Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

50.05.020 Definitions

(a) "Abscond" means the failure of an offender to make himself or herself available as directed by the agent.

(b) "Administrator" means the administrator of the division or designee.

(c) "Alternative to revocation" means placement in a program or imposition of a sanction in lieu of revocation.

(d) "Bodily harm" means physical pain or injury, illness, or any impairment of physical condition.

(e) "Body contents search" means a search in which the offender is required to provide a biological specimen, including but not limited to a sample of urine, breath, blood, stool, hair, fingernails, saliva, semen, or other identifying physical material.

(f) "Collateral" means any person who has contact with or information about an offender.

(g) "Commitment term" or "term" means that period of time during which the offender is subject to the control and supervision of the department.

(h) "Community supervision" or "supervision" means the control and management of offenders on probation, parole, extended supervision, or other statuses as authorized by court order or statute.

(i) "Conditions" means specific regulations imposed on the offender by the court or earned release review commission.

(j) "Contacts" means communications between an agent and an offender or collateral.

(k) "Contraband" means any item which the offender may not possess under the rules or conditions of the offender's custody or supervision or is unlawful.

(l) "Discharge" means the completion of the term of supervision by an offender.

(m) "Extension" means the continuation by the sentencing court of supervision beyond the current discharge date.

(n) "Financial resources" of an offender means any income or assets from any source under the offender's sole or joint control.

(o) "Intoxicating substance" means anything which if taken into the body may alter or impair normal mental or physical functions.

(p) "Non−deadly force" means force which the user reasonably believes will not create a substantial risk of causing death or great bodily harm to another.

(q) "Offender" means a person who is committed to the custody of the department for correctional purposes and is under community supervision of the division.

(r) "Pat−down" means a frisk of the offender's body outside the clothing.

(s) "Personal search" means a search of an offender's person, including but not limited to the offender's pockets, an examination of the offender's shoes, hat, and other clothing, and a visual inspection inside the offender's mouth.

(t) "Probation" shall mean community supervision of individuals under sentence.

(u) "Region" means a subunit of the division.

(v) "Regional chief" means an employee or designee of the division responsible for the administration of a region.

(w) "Reporting" means a contact between an agent and offender determined by the rules or conditions of supervision.

(x) "Revocation" means the removal of an offender from community supervision.

(y) "Rules" means departmental regulations applicable to a specific offender under supervision.

(z) "School" means a public or private school.

(aa) "Supervision fees" means financial obligations imposed on offenders pursuant to his or her sentence.

(bb) "Tolled time" means the period of time between the date of an offender's violation and the date the offender's supervision is reinstated or revoked.

(cc) "Waiver" means the written relinquishment of known rights by an offender.

(dd) "Working day" means each day, except Saturday, Sunday, and holidays designated by the Tribe.