Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

50.07.180 Food Preparation Equipment

(a) Exhaust systems and automatic fire suppression systems provided for food preparation equipment shall be maintained, in accordance with NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations; and in a manner so as not to create a hazardous condition.

(b) In any commercial kitchen, a UL® rated Class K or A:K (kitchen) fire extinguisher, of an least 6 liter capacity, shall be provided where there is a potential for fires involving combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal oils and fats) (NFPA 1: (NFPA 1: 50.4.12).

(1) Maximum travel distance shall not exceed thirty feet (30 ft.) from the hazard to the extinguisher(s) (NFPA 1:

(2) The portable fire extinguisher shall not be located above or behind a cooking appliance, stove or deep fat fryer where flames could impede access to it.

(3) The fire extinguisher(s) shall be installed, serviced, and maintained by a reputable fire extinguisher sales & service company, in accordance with NFPA 10 Portable Fire Extinguishers.

(4) The Class K fire extinguisher shall be required, in addition to any required automatic fire extinguishing system (NFPA 1:

(5) Where an automatic fire extinguishing system is present, a placard identifying the use of the fire extinguisher as a secondary backup means to the automatic fire extinguishing system shall be conspicuously placed near every portable fire extinguisher in the cooking area. (NFPA 1:

(c) Deep Fat Fryers:

(1) Location & Installation: All deep fat fryers shall be installed with at least a 16 inch space between the fryer and surface flames from adjacent stoves or cooking equipment (NFPA 1:

(2) Operating Controls: Deep fat fryers shall be equipped with a separate high-limit control in addition to the adjustable operating control (thermostat) to shut of fuel or electricity when the fat temperature reaches 475°F at one inch below the surface (NFPA 1: 50.6.2).

(d) Automatic Fire Suppression Systems. Exhaust hoods and ducts in kitchens used for commercial purposes shall be protected by an approved automatic fire suppression system. Commercial purposes shall be defined as a for profit operation. (An exception will be made by an authorized fire inspector if he/she finds that the operation is determined to be a non-risk operation.) The suppression system shall comply with the following:

(1) When the fire suppression system is activated, all gas and electrical sources serving cooking appliances, grease consuming appliances or fume incinerators and equipment associated with the hoods shall be automatically deactivated.

(2) Such gas and electrical sources shall not be capable of reactivation except by manual means after the fire suppression system has been serviced and is again ready for action.

(3) Cooking equipment shall not be operated while its fire extinguishing system or exhaust system is non-operational or is otherwise impaired (NFPA 1:

(e) Automatic/Manual Activation.

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b), below, hood and duct suppression systems shall provide for both automatic and manual actuation of the system.

(2) Automatic fire sprinkler systems using water need not be provided with means for manual actuation.

(3) A manual station for actuation of the suppression system shall be located at or near one of the means of egress from the area but not nearer than 10 feet to the range hood and shall be securely mounted not less than 4 ½ feet nor more than 5 feet above the floor, unless otherwise specifically approved by the authorized fire inspector having jurisdiction.

(A) The system shall be maintained at full operating capacity by the owner and shall be serviced every 6 months and all nozzles shall be accessible for cleaning and replacement.

(B) Hoods, grease removal devices, fans, ducts and other devices shall be inspected and cleaned semi-annually or more often as needed to remove grease and deposits of residues. The authorized fire inspector may require verification of cleaning and inspection in writing.

(f) Fire Extinguishing Systems. Fire extinguisher systems shall be inspected semi-annually and checked for proper operation by a factory-authorized service representative. Inspections shall include a check that supply of extinguishing agent in the system is adequate, and all actuation components are operating satisfactorily.

(1) Fusible links shall be replaced at least annually.

(2) A copy of the semi-annual inspection report shall, upon request, be sent to the authorized fire inspector.

(3) Instructions for manually operating the fire extinguishing system shall be posted conspicuously in the kitchen, and employees shall be trained in operating procedures.

(g) Fire Dampers. Any fire dampers, if employed, shall be tested semi-annually to insure proper functioning of all parts.

(h) Unsafe Heating Appliances.

(1) Any existing stove, oven, furnace, incinerator, boiler or any other heat producing device or appliance found to be defective or in violation of code requirements may not be used. The authorized fire inspector shall order the discontinuation of use with a written notice to the owner, firm, agent or operator of the equipment to cease use immediately.

(2) The authorized fire inspector shall take appropriate action when inspection shows the existence of an immediate fire hazard or that a device or appliance imperils life.

(3) The defective appliance shall remain withdrawn from service until all necessary repairs or alterations have been made.