Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

51.04.010 General Procedures for a Hemp License Application

(a) Any person or individual holding more than ten percent of the equity interest in an entity that desires to produce or process hemp within the Tribe's jurisdiction must have a valid Hemp Production License and or Hemp Processing License from the Commission prior to engaging in any such activity. A valid license means the license is unexpired, unsuspended, and unrevoked. Any person who does not hold a valid license from the Commission shall not engage in hemp production or processing within the Tribe's jurisdiction. If an Applicant wishes to engage in both hemp production and processing activities, the applicant must obtain a Hemp Production License and Hemp Processing License.

(b) Any person who wishes to produce or process hemp within the Tribe's jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, employees and contractors, shall submit a complete license application to the Tribe annually. An applicant must be at least eighteen years of age to be eligible to receive a license.

(c) An applicant must submit a complete Hemp Production License Application or Hemp Processing License Application, on the form designated by the Commission, to the Commission. All applications must be complete in every material detail. All applications must include all attachments or supplemental information required by the current forms supplied by the Commission. The application and attached materials will become the property of the Commission upon submission.