Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

52.02.010 Purpose

This title shall be liberally construed and applied to carry out its purpose.

The purpose of this title is to:

(a) Protect, enhance and exercise the inherent sovereignty of the Tribe.

(b) Inform any government or entity navigating public health issues that implicate the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa of their actions and ensure they do not perpetuate structural violence.

(c) Inform of the intention of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa to assert its sovereign and jurisdictional authority to promote and protect the Tribe's overall health, wellness, and safety, prevent disease, and respond to issues and events by reaffirming the Department of Tribal Public Health as the public health authority for the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa.

(d) Inform that the Department of Tribal Public Health, in compliance with tribal law, is authorized to access, collect, and analyze identifiable health data to protect the health of the enrolled tribal citizens of the TMBCI.

(e) Create and define the policies and procedures governing the confinement of those infected with communicable disease that are subject to the Band's jurisdiction.

(f) Ensure that the Tribe is able to adequately respond to public health emergencies within the Tribe's jurisdiction;

(g) Ensure that due process of law is accorded to any person coming under the provisions of this chapter.