Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

53.02.010 Jurisdiction

(a) The Tribal Court shall have general jurisdiction over civil commitment matters as set forth under this Code.

(b) Personal Jurisdiction. Persons subject to the Band's civil commitment jurisdiction include:

(1) Enrolled members of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians;

(2) Turtle Mountain descendants who reside within the exterior boundaries of the Turtle Mountain Reservation;

(3) Indians enrolled in the federally recognized tribes who reside within the exterior boundaries of the Turtle Mountain Reservation; and

(4) All other persons other than those over whom jurisdiction is prohibited by Federal law.

(c) Territorial jurisdiction. For the purpose of enforcement of this Code, the Turtle Mountain Jurisdiction shall be deemed to include all territory within the boundaries of the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation, including fee patented lands, roads, waters, bridges and lands used for Bureau of Indian Affairs purposes, and shall also include all Indian trust and restricted lands, specifically located within Townships 161N, 162N, 163N, and 164N and Ranges 70W, 71W, 72W, and 73W except lands located within incorporated cities of Rolette County, North Dakota.