Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

53.04.020 Standards for Involuntary Admission for Treatment

An individual may be involuntarily admitted under this title to a Tribal treatment facility only if the Court determines that the individual meets at least one of the following standards:

(a) Danger to Self or Others. There exists either:

(1) A substantial risk that physical harm will be inflicted by the

(2) evidenced by recent actions, threats, and attempts to inflict physical harm on another.

(b) Gravely Disabled. A condition in which an individual, as a result of mental illness or chemical dependency, is in danger of inflicting serious physical harm upon the individual's own person, or the person of another because:

(1) He/she is not providing for his/her essential needs, or the essential needs of his/her dependents, such as food, clothing, shelter, vital medical care, or safety;

(2) He/she is in medical need of, but is not receiving, appropriate inpatient treatment for mental illness or chemical dependency; and

(3) He/she is incapable of understanding or accepting such treatment due to impaired judgment from mental illness or chemical dependency.