Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

54.03.010 Establishment and Duties

(a) A Tribal Historic Preservation Office shall be established to increase efforts in the location, documentation and evaluation of ancient, cultural, and historic properties. This information will provide a record of the past for future generations of the Tribe and shall be incorporated into the Tribe's planning and development approval process.

(b) A Tribal Historic Preservation Officer shall be appointed to develop a file of identified cultural sites/places within the Traditional Territory of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians and within its Territory and Jurisdiction. This file will also contain a history of areas that have been surveyed and found not to comprise cultural sites/places.

(c) The Tribal Historic Preservation Officer shall be solely responsible for the active collection and cataloging of known cultural sites/places, surveyed areas and the locations of potential archaeological resources.

(d) The Tribal Historic Preservation Officer shall be included in all construction projects or other ground disturbing activities and shall be responsible for the issuance of Permits to Proceed with Ground Disturbing Activities on Tribal Lands.