Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

54.03.050 Permitted Removal and Disturbance to Burial Sites, Cemeteries, Human Remains, and Grave Goods

(a) Only in the extreme cases of imminent destruction or accidental discovery may burial sites, cemeteries, human remains or grave goods be approved for intentional disturbance. When disturbance is found to be necessary, Tribal spiritual leaders and the Tribal Council and individuals approved to conduct the excavation or exposure will discuss the importance of what is being contemplated and agree to a procedure in writing under which the disturbance shall be carried out.

(b) At all times during the process of disturbing any human remains, a representative of the Tribe shall be available on-site to assist and ensure that the parties employed to remove or expose any human remains or grave goods carry out the procedure along the guidelines set forth in the consultation meeting as required herein.