Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

57.01.030 Purposes. the Purposes of This Enactment Are:

(a) To establish a Department of Agriculture to regulate all agriculture in the territory of the Tribe and to manage all agriculture-related commerce and business in the territory of the Tribe for the primary purpose of assisting and facilitating, not inhibiting, economic development by and for tribal members;

(b) To authorize the Department of Agriculture to establish an arm within the Department which shall operate all agri-business activities of the Tribe;

(c) To authorize public and private partnerships between the Department agri-business entities and private entrepreneurs through contracting and procurement;

(d) To facilitate the use of real property, regardless of trust or fee status, including fractionated interests deriving from allotment and allotted lands, however large or small, to revitalize the production and gathering of traditional indigenous foods, plants, medicines and other products;

(e) To re-engage the People with traditional lifeways, with each other, and with the land; and

(f) To establish a Title and Chapters in the Code for codifying these provisions.