Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

60.02.010 Definitions in This Title:

(a) "Member" means a member of the Tribe or his or her agent or representative.

(b) "Person" includes any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, organization, or association.

(c) "Public Body" means the government of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians and any of its agencies, enterprises, entities, gaming enterprises, all casinos, authorities, boards, commissions, committees, subcommittees, organizations or corporations supported in whole or in part by funds created, managed, disbursed or passed-through by the Tribe or which expends such funds under the care of the Tribe, including any quasi-governmental body of the Tribe, the business enterprises of the Tribe and its political subdivisions.

(d) "Public record" includes all books, papers, maps, photographs, cards, tapes, recordings, or other documentary materials regardless of physical form or characteristics prepared, owned, used, in possession of, or retained by a public body.

(e) Records such as income tax returns, medical records, hospital medical staff reports, law enforcement investigative files and names of confidential informants, scholastic records, adoption records, records related to registration, and circulation of library materials which contain names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of public, private, school, college, technical college, university, and state institutional libraries and library systems, supported in whole or in part by public funds or expending public funds, or records which reveal the identity of the library patron checking out or requesting an item from the library or using other library services, except non-identifying administrative and statistical reports of registration and circulation, and other records which by law are required to be closed to the public are not considered to be made open to the public under the provisions of this act.

(f) "Tribal Council or Council" means the elected Body of the Turtle Mountain Band of Indians, as defined in the Constitution.

(g) "Tribe or Tribal" means the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians.

(h) "Proprietary records" means data belonging to the Gaming Enterprises or Tribal Business Enterprises, which may include but is not limited to financial information, intellectual property, such as concepts, designs, techniques, technical documentation, artwork, and the related data.