Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

60.04.020 Law Enforcement Records

(a) Records of public law enforcement agencies and public safety agencies not otherwise available by law that were compiled in the process of detecting and investigating crime shall not be disclosed if the disclosure of the information would harm the agency by:

(1) Disclosing identity of informants not otherwise known.

(2) Prematurely releasing information to be used in a prospective law enforcement action.

(3) Disclosing investigative techniques not otherwise known outside the government.

(4) Endangering the life, health, or property of any person.

(b) Unless otherwise prohibited by subsection (a) or other provision of Tribal law, the following are public records within the meaning of this title and may be disclosed:

(1) The time, date, location, and nature of a violation or apparent violation of the law reported to a public law enforcement agency.

(2) The name, sex, age, address, employment, and alleged violation of law of a person arrested, charged, or indicted.

(3) The circumstances surrounding an arrest, including the time and place of the arrest, whether the arrest involved resistance, possession or use of weapons, or pursuit, and a description of any items seized in connection with the arrest.

(4) The contents of "911" and other emergency telephone calls received by or on behalf of public law enforcement agencies or public safety agencies, except as prohibited from disclosure by other Federal or Tribal Law.

(5) The contents of communications between or among employees of public law enforcement agencies or public safety agencies that are broadcast over the public airways.

(6) The name, sex, age, and address of a victim or complaining witness; provided, however, that a public law enforcement agency or public safety agency shall temporarily withhold the name or address of a victim or complaining witness if release of the information is reasonably likely to pose a threat to the mental health, physical health, or personal safety of the complaining witness or victim or materially