Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

61.01.040 Definitions

As used in this title, the following shall have the meaning provided here:

"Bylaws" mean the rules adopted by a public body for its internal governance.

"Executive Session" means that portion of a meeting not open to the public.

"Judiciary" means the Courts of the TMBCI Tribe and any of its boards or committees.

"Meeting" means the official convening of a quorum of members of a public body for the purpose of conducting public business:

"Regular Meeting" means any meeting, which is held on a regular schedule such as a regular monthly meeting.

"Special Meeting" means any meeting, which is not a regular meeting, including but not limited to, any meeting, which must be called because of an emergency.

"Public" means enrolled members of the TMBC1 Tribe, and other persons as authorized by the Tribal Council, Executive Branch, Judiciary, or General Council to attend a meeting.

"Public Body" means any official entity in which a quorum is required to conduct public business and which performs a governmental function for the Tribe. Public bodies shall include the Judiciary and the Tribal Council, including its Committees and the following type and defined public bodies:

(a) Authority. A public agency or corporation established by the Tribal Council with autonomous administrative powers in a specified field.

(b) Commission. An official body established by the Constitution or the Tribal Council empowered with specific regulatory and rulemaking powers and duties.

(c) Boards. The TMBCI Tribe recognizes the following types of boards:

(d) Board. A board other than a board of directors or an advisory board that is established by law and administered by the Chairman to exercise certain authorities and have oversight or control of certain matters.

(e) Board of Directors. An official body required by the Constitution, established by the Tribal Council, and administered by the Chairman to serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Director of a Department.

(f) Advisory Board. An official representative body established by the Tribal Council and administered by the Chairman to provide a department or program counseling and advice, which is neither imperative nor conclusive.

(g) Work Group or Task Force. A temporary short-term ad hoc body established by a governmental entity for a focused effort on a specific issue. The body's charter may or may not require a quorum to conduct its business.

Quorum means a majority of the members of the Tribal Council, a Board, or Commission.