Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

61.01.080 Minutes and Publishing of Minutes

(a) A public body shall take, or cause to be taken, minutes of a meeting. The minutes shall include, at a minimum, the following:

(1) Time meeting is called to order.

(2) Roll Call. The presence, absence, and times of departure and return (for temporary absence) of each member of the public body and whether absences were excused or unexcused. It will also be noted if an Alternate Member is attending in the place of a member.

(3) Time quorum was established.

(4) A record or summary of all motions, proposals, resolutions or other matter formally voted upon, the results of the vote and the vote of each member of the body.

(5) Times when body is recessed, if applicable.

(6) Times when body is in executive session, if applicable.

(7) The location, date and time of the body's next regular meeting or special meeting, if known.

(8) Time of adjournment.

(9) A public body shall take, or cause to be taken, minutes of executive sessions, however, such minutes shall not be available for public inspection without the formal approval of the public body.

(b) After each meeting of a public body, the approved minutes and supporting documentation shall be forwarded to the Tribal Records Department either digitally or by paper copy. This shall be performed within 5 days of passage of the minutes.

(c) The minutes to a meeting of a public body, except the minutes to a meeting of an executive session, shall be made available for general distribution. The public may inspect and photocopy the minutes of a meeting of a public body, except executive session minutes, during normal business hours; however, photocopying of executive session minutes shall not be permitted.

(d) The Tribal Council shall have access to all minutes of all meetings of a public body including minutes of an executive session.