Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

63.01.020 Distributors and Dealers to Be Licensed by State and Tribe

Each person engaged in the business of selling cigarettes, cigarette papers, snuff, cigars, or tobacco within the territory of jurisdiction of the Tribe, including any distributor or dealer, must secure licenses from the Tax Commissioner under this ordinance before engaging or continuing to engage in business. A separate application and license is required for each distributor at each outlet or place of business within the reservation, and a separate dealer's license is required for each retail outlet when a person owns or controls more than one place of business dealing in cigarettes, cigarette papers, snuff, cigars, or tobacco. No retailer will be granted a distributor's license except a retailer who, in the usual course of business, performed a distributor's or wholesaler's function for at least one year prior to filing the license application. Each application for a wholesale or distributor's outlet license must be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars. Each application for a dealer's outlet license must be accompanied by a fee of fifteen dollars. A reinstatement fee of fifty dollars is required in addition to the annual license fee for each license renewal applied for after the thirtieth day of June. The total reinstatement fee may not exceed five hundred dollars for any one licensee in any fiscal year. A distributor's license does not authorize the holder to make retail sales. A retail license does not authorize the holder to make distribution sales. Each license issued must be prominently displayed on the premises covered by the license.