Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

8.01.060 Trespass to Land

(a) Where a person is entitled to a judgment for harm to land resulting from an unlawful invasion and not amounting to a total destruction in value and damages at the plaintiff's election include compensation for:

(1) the difference between the value of the land before the harm and the value after the harm or the cost of restoration which has been or reasonably may be incurred, or if a separable portion of the land has been damaged, the loss in its value; and

(2) the loss of use of the land; and

(3) discomfort and annoyance, in an action brought by the occupant;

(b) The damages for past and prospective invasions of land include all detriment to the land past, present or future caused by such trespass.