Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

9.01.050 Rights and Liabilities as to Third Persons; Neither Liable for the Other; Property of One Immune from Liability of the Other

Neither spouse is answerable for the acts of the other. The earnings and accumulations of either spouse and the children in his or her custody while they live separate and apart from the other spouse are the separate property of that spouse unless otherwise provided by agreement between the spouses.

The separate property of either spouse is not liable for the debts of the other contracted before marriage. The separate property of each is liable for his, her, or their own debts contracted before or after marriage

Both spouses shall be jointly and severally liable for the purchase price, if agreed upon at the time of purchase, or for the reasonable value of all the necessaries by either spouse for their family while they are living together as a married couple.