Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

9.04.040 Venue; Inconvenient Forum; Caption

(a) Proceedings for adoption must be brought in the Tribal Court if at the time of filing petitioner, or the individual to be adopted, or the agency having care, custody or control, are located within the Tribal Court's jurisdiction, or the case has been transferred to the Tribal Court's jurisdiction.

(b) If the Court finds in the interest of substantial justice that the matter should be heard in another forum, the Court may transfer, stay, or dismiss the proceeding in whole or in part on any conditions that are just.

(c) The caption of a petition for adoption shall be styled substantially "In the Matter, of the Adoption of __________". The person to be adopted shall be designated in the caption under the name by which he is to be known if the petition is granted. If the child is placed for adoption by an agency, any name by which the child was previously known shall not be disclosed in the petition, the notice of hearing, or in the decree of adoption.