Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

9.04.090 Petition for Adoption

(a) A petition for adoption shall be signed and verified by the petitioner, filed with the clerk of the Court, naming the Bureau of Indian Affairs Social Services or a county social service board as respondent and state:

(1) The date and place of birth of the individual to be adopted, if known.

(2) The name to be used for the individual to be adopted.

(3) The date petitioner acquired custody or date of placement of the minor and the name of the person placing the minor.

(4) The full name, age, place, and duration of residence of the petitioner.

(5) The marital status of the petitioner, including the date and place of marriage, if married.

(6) That the petitioner has facilities and resources, including those available under a subsidy agreement, suitable to provide for the nurturance and care of the minor to be adopted, and that it is the desire of the petitioner to establish the relationship of parent and child with the individual to be adopted.

(7) A description and estimate of value of any property of the individual to be adopted.

(8) The name of any person whose consent to the adoption is required, but who has not consented, and facts or circumstances which excuse the lack of his consent normally required to the adoption.

(9) The Bureau of Indian Affairs Social Services or county social service board as respondent.

(10) A certified copy of the birth certificate or verification of birth record of the individual to be adopted, if available, and the required consents and relinquishments shall be filed with the clerk.

(11) Any person filing a petition shall pay to the Clerk of Court a proper filing fee.