Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

9.06.060 Oath and Bond

The guardian shall subscribe and file an oath that he will perform the duties of his office according to law.

The Tribal Court may require the guardian to furnish a bond to be approved by the Tribal Judge and in such sum as the Court shall order for the faithful performance of his duties, and the following conditions shall form and constitute a part of every such bond with or without being written therein:

(a) To make an inventory of all the property of the estate, real and personal, of his ward that comes to his possession or knowledge, and to return the same within such time as the judge may order;

(b) To dispose of and manage the estate according to law and for the best interest of the ward, and faithfully to discharge his trust in relation to the care, custody, and education of the ward;

(c) To render an account, oath, of the property of the estate of the ward in his hands, and all proceeds or interests derived therefrom, and of the management and disposition of the same, within three (3) months after his appointment and at such other time as the Court directs. At the expiration of his trust he shall settle his accounts with the Tribal Court, or with the ward, if he be of full age or his legal representatives, and pay over and deliver all property of the estate, moneys, and effects remaining in his hands, or due from him on such settlement, to the person who is lawfully entitled thereto.