Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

9.06.080 Powers of Guardians; Property of Ward

A guardian appointed by the Tribal Court has power over the person and property of the ward unless otherwise ordered. He is charged with the custody of the ward, and must look to his support, health, and education. He may fix the residence of the ward at any place within the reservation, but not elsewhere without permission of the Court.

A guardian of the property must keep safely the property of his ward. He must not permit any unnecessary waste or destruction of the real or personal property nor make any sale of such property without the order of the Tribal Court, but must, so far as it is in his power, maintain the same with its buildings and appurtenances out of the income of other property of the estate, and deliver it to the ward at the close of his guardianship in as good condition as he received it.