Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

9.08.100 Introduction

(a) This Act shall be known as the Turtle Mountain Child Support Enforcement Act. It is designed to regulate the establishment of paternity, the setting of child support obligations and the enforcement of those obligations in the tribal court. This Act reflects the sovereign right of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa Tribe to determine its own internal relations, as well as the rights of those non-members who enter into consensual relations with tribal members or others located on the Turtle Mountain reservation. It also reflects the Tribe's intent to operate its own child support enforcement program under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act.

(b) Statement of Policy. It is the public policy of the Turtle Mountain Tribe (hereafter, "the Tribe") to ensure that the children of the Tribe receive adequate love, support and care. It is the purpose of this Act to provide a manner in which paternity can be established, thus allowing children the opportunity to identify with their natural parents and enjoy the benefits associated with enrollment into the. It also reflects the intent of the Turtle Mountain Tribe to provide for adequate child support for all children who are members or eligible for membership with the Tribe, or those children found upon the Turtle Mountain reservation, while recognizing the severe economic conditions facing many absent parents who strive to support their children.

(c) Definitions. For purposes of this Act:

(1) "Paternity" is the fact or condition of being a father.

(2) "Genetic Testing" is a standard blood or tissue examination, which is accepted by the scientific community for the purpose of determining paternity.

(3) "Custodian" or "Guardian" is the person who is legally responsible for the care and well being of the child.

(4) "Putative Father" is the supposed father of the child.

(5) "Age of Majority" is 18 years of age.

(6) "Tribe" is the Turtle Mountain Tribe.