Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.03.010 Definitions

(a) A Turtle Mountain Tribal Court Judge is an officer who is authorized to exercise powers vested in the Turtle Mountain Tribal Court.

(b) Officers of the Turtle Mountain Tribal Court shall include all judges and clerks of the Turtle Mountain Tribal Court.

(c) Law enforcement officer or peace/police officer is a public servant authorized to enforce the law and to conduct or engage in investigations for violations of law.

(d) Probation means allowing a person convicted of a crime, delinquent act or unruliness to go at large, generally under the supervision of a probation officer.

(e) Seven Teachings means the seven gifts from the seven grandfathers:

(1) to cherish knowledge is to know wisdom,

(2) to know love is to know peace,

(3) to honor all creation is to have respect,

(4) bravery is to face the foe with integrity,

(5) honesty in facing a situation is to be honorable,

(6) humility is to know yourself as a sacred part of creation, and

(7) truth is to know all of these things.

(f) "Indian" means any person of Indian descent who is a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe according to the laws of that Tribe, and any other person recognized by federal law as Indian for any purpose, and denotes both the singular and the plural.