Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

18.05.090 Minimum Standards for Records Maintained by Center on Children Enrolled in Center

(a) The following information shall be obtained and maintained for each child enrolled in the center, and shall be updated as necessary, and at least once annually:

(1) Child's full name, birth date, and current address;

(2) Name, address, phone number, place of employment, and business phone number of parent.

(3) Names, addresses, phone numbers of all persons able to assume responsibility for the child in the event the parent cannot be reached in an emergency;

(4) Written consent form signed by parent permitting emergency medical treatment of the child;

(5) Signed authorization of the parent listing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all persons authorized to take the child off the premises of the center.

(6) Copies of written authorizations signed by the child's parent, which permit the center to dispense or administer medication, prescription or otherwise. The child's name must be printed on all prescription medication, and the container must bear written instructions containing dosage amount and frequency; and

(7) Verification that the child's immunizations are current.

(b) All information pertaining to the admission, progress, health, finances and discharge of the child care enrollee shall be confidential, and release of that information limited to the parent, the designated representative of the parent, and the child care center.