Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

18.05.110 Sanitation and Safety Requirements

(a) The facility must have an annual health and sanitation inspection completed by an environmental health practitioner. All reports of such inspection shall be filed with the TERO office including a written explanation of how any problems identified in such report are to be corrected by the center.

(b) The center's building, grounds and equipment must be maintained in a sanitary, safe and reasonable manner, and if located near a busy street, the yard must be fenced to protect the health and safety of children.

(c) All center buildings erected prior to 1970 must be stripped and resurfaced so surfaces do not contain lead-bearing paint.

(d) Indoor floors must not be slippery, and all steps and walkways must be kept clean and free from snow and ice. Stairs and/or porches must have rails.

(e) There must be adequate ventilation and proper humidity, and a HVAC system capable of maintaining a temperature of not less than 68 degrees Fahrenheit, and not more than 20 degrees less than the outside temperature when such outside temperatures exceeds 88 degrees Fahrenheit.

(f) Childcare center must be cleaned daily, and personal items such as toys, pacifiers, and combs must be stored in a sanitary manner.

(g) Hazardous or poisonous substances must be kept in locked storage, and inaccessible to children.

(h) Caregivers and staff shall wash hands before preparing or serving meals, after diapering, and after using bathroom facilities.

(i) When food is prepared, served or stored in a childcare center, it will be done in a sanitary and safe manner.

(j) Drinking water must be accessible to children, and hot water temperature in bathrooms must be no greater than one hundred twenty (120°) degrees Fahrenheit.

(k) Bathroom must be cleaned daily, and located in separate rooms from those used for cooking, eating, and sleeping.

(l) Centers shall take steps to keep the facility free of insects and rodents. Chemicals for insects and rodent control may not be available in areas accessible to children.

(m) The minimum ratio of care givers or programs staff to children in child care centers shall be:

(1) If all children in care are less than twenty-four (24) months of age, one (1) staff member per four (4) children.

(2) If all children in care are twenty-four (24) months of age to thirty-six (36) months of age, one (1) staff member per five (5) children.

(3) If all children in care are three (3) years of age to four (4) years of age, one (1) staff member per seven (7) children.

(4) If all children in care are four (4) years of age to five (5) years of age, one (1) staff member per ten (10) children.

(5) If all children in care are five (5) years of age to six (6) years of age, one (1) staff member per twelve (12) children.

(6) If all children in care are six (6) years of age to twelve (12) years of age, one (1) staff member per eighteen (18) children.

(7) If children in care are of mixed age categories, the minimum ratio of care givers or staff to children shall be determined by calculating the average age of the children, and applying the corresponding ratio; however, in no event shall a single (1) care giver or staff member care for more than two (2) children twenty-four (24) months of age or younger, or more than four (4) thirty-six (36) months or younger at any one time.

(n) These ratios shall apply to the total number of children present at the center at any one time and not the total number of children enrolled.