Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

2.04.050 Service of Summons and Complaint

(a) A copy of the summons, together with a copy of the complaint as required under Section 2.04.020 may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested, or may be served personally upon an individual defendant. Service may be made by leaving a copy of the summons and complaint at the defendant's usual abode with a resident of the household above the age of fourteen (14) years, if the defendant cannot be conveniently found.

(b) If the defendant be a minor, service shall be made upon his guardian, if a guardian has been appointed. If no guardian has been appointed, then service may be made upon either the father or the mother of such minor. If the minor be more than fourteen (14) years of age and neither father, mother nor guardian can be found, then service may be made upon such minor the same as in the case of adults.

(c) If the defendant be an unincorporated association, or corporation, service shall be made by either delivering a true copy of the summons and complaint to any officer or chief clerk thereof.

(d) In all cases, the defendant's signed acknowledgment of service on the summons or his voluntary appearance in Court is equivalent to service as herein before required.