Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

21.07.030 Factors in Establishing Rate Adjustments

In reaching its decision on any request for change in tariffs, rates, joint rates, wheeling rates, charges, fares, tolls, schedules, or classifications of an electric utility, the Commission may adopt, in whole or in part, those rates approved or allowed by any State Public Service Commission for the same type or classification of service provided to customers outside the boundaries of the Reservation and within the state. The Commission may adopt such state rates on an interim basis pending full investigation and collection and analysis of data relevant to such rates. Nothing in this section shall be construed as consent to jurisdiction of the State, its agencies or political subdivisions, with respect to the regulation of utilities within the boundaries of the Reservation, such jurisdiction residing exclusively with the Tribe and the Tribal Utility Commission pursuant to the provisions of this title. The interim adoption by the Commission of any tariff, rate, joint rate, wheeling rate, fare, toll, schedule, or classification established by the State Public Service Commission under this section shall not affect or in any way limit implementation and enforcement by the Commission of any other provision of this title relating to tribal regulation of electric utilities within the Reservation.