Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

22.05.020 Notice and Publication

(a) Prior to adopting any substantive rule of general applicability, which is not a rule relating to internal procedures or management practices or an emergency rule, as provided in Section 22.05.030, the Tribal Council, or the affected agency to which the Tribal Council has properly delegated authority, shall conduct a public hearing thereon. At such hearing, written comment on the proposed rule may be submitted by any interested person and oral comment shall be received from any persons submitting a Notice of Intent to comment not later than 3 days prior to the date of the hearing. The Tribal Council or its properly authorized agency may fix a time limit for the duration of each oral comment.

(b) Notice of the proposed rule and the hearing thereon shall be prepared and distributed as follows:

(1) Not later than thirty (30) days prior to the date set for public hearing, the affected agency shall prepare the number of copies of a proposed rule requested by interested persons, in no case fewer that ten (10) copies, and an equal number of copies of a brief written explanation of the intent of the proposal, its effect if adopted, and the date, time and place of the hearing.

(2) Not later than 25 days before the date set for the public hearing, the agency shall cause notice of the proposed rule and of the hearing thereon to be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of regular publication and general circulation within the Tribe's jurisdiction.

(c) Such notice shall include:

(1) The subject of the proposed rule;

(2) The date, time, and place of the public hearing to be conducted thereon;

(3) The mailing address of the person and place from which a copy of the full text of the proposal and the explanation thereof may be obtained by any interested person; and

(4) The date and place for submission of written comment and for submission of a request to make an oral comment at the hearing.

(d) Persons making oral comments at the hearing shall be subject to questioning relevant to their testimony by the Tribal Council or its designated representative.

(e) A rule promulgated pursuant to this section shall become effective 30 days after it is adopted and filed with the Tribal Council Secretary.

(f) Immediately upon adoption and filing of a rule the affected agency shall publish a notice of the adoption, and filing, the effective date of the rule, and the mailing address from which a complete test of the rule may be obtained.