Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

26.11.310 Tampering with a Witness(Es)

(a) It shall be unlawful and a Class [3] three offense for any person while believing that an official proceeding or investigation is pending or is about to be instituted, to attempt to persuade, threaten, harass or otherwise cause a person to:

(1) Testify or inform falsely;

(2) Withhold any testimony, information, document, or object or evidence;

(3) Avoid legal process summoning him/her to testify or supply evidence;

(4) Absent him/herself from any proceeding or investigation to which he has been legally summoned;

(5) To harm another by an unlawful act in retaliation for anything done by another in his/her capacity as a witness or informant; or

(6) To solicit, accept or agree to accept any monetary payment or thing of value in consideration for doing any of the concepts specified in this section.