Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

32.07.030 Individual Complaint Procedure

If an Indian believes that an employer has failed to comply with this Ordinance or rules, regulation or orders of the Commission, or believes he/she has been discriminated against by an employer because he/she is an Indian, he/she may file a complaint in writing with the Director specifying the alleged violation. Upon receipt of the complaint, the Director shall investigate and attempt to achieve an informal settlement of the matter. If an informal settlement cannot be achieved, the individual or Director may request a hearing upon the matter pursuant to Section 32.07.010.

If an employer fires, lays off, or penalizes in any manner, an Indian employee who utilizes the individual complaint procedure provided herein or exercises any right provided herein, the employer shall be subject to the penalties in Chapter 32.08 of this Ordinance.