Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

34.01.050 Purposes and Specific Limitations of Bond Issues

Tribal entities defined in this Tribal Bond Code are empowered to borrow money, subject to the general limitations of amounts prescribed herein, to issue bonds thereof for the purposes enumerated in this Bond Code. Such bonds may be issued:

(a) For the erection, purchase, construction, enlargement, or repair of Tribal buildings for the following purposes: public halls, fire protection buildings, waterworks buildings, police stations, city markets, hospitals, libraries, museums, auditoriums, armories, gymnasiums, and music halls; and to purchase and acquire sites for such buildings, and for the equipment and furnishing thereof.

(b) For the purchase of fire engines and other equipment and materials for fire protection and for the purchase, construction, and installation of pumps, water mains, reservoirs, and other necessary facilities for fire protection.

(c) For the construction and extension of water plants or the purchase of existing plants; the construction and improvement of water mains, sewers, and drains; or for the joint construction and establishment of a water and sewer system; or for the erection, planning, construction, and establishment of a sewage disposal plant or system; or for the erection, construction, and enlargement of garbage disposal plants and to purchase sites and grounds, either within or without the limits of the Reservation, for the disposal of sewage, garbage, and other refuse; or for the leasing or purchase of lands, either within or without the limits of the 'Reservation, for the purpose of providing airports or landing fields or for the construction of buildings thereon or the procuring of equipment therefor; and other like essential Tribal governmental purposes.

(d) To construct, acquire, enlarge, extend, or maintain any plant or equipment, or any part of a plant or equipment, for the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, or power, either directly or indirectly, to or for the public, or to enlarge and extend such plants or equipment or any part thereof.

(e) To purchase, acquire, or establish any public utility, including any telecommunication system, mass media distribution system, or data transmission system within and without the immediate geographic area of the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation and the Trust Lands of the Turtle Mountain Jurisdiction, and to purchase or acquire a public transportation system.

(f) To provide for acquiring, laying out, and improving parks, parkways, park buildings, public drives, boulevards, highways, streets, state highways, and cemeteries, and to acquire land for these purposes.

(g) To provide money for the payment of any deficiency in the fund of any special improvement district whenever the special assessment or taxes levied and collected for the specific improvements are then insufficient to pay the principal or interest of any special improvement warrants issued for such improvement and then due and unpaid, but only to the extent of such deficiency.

(h) For the purchase of automobiles, trucks, tractors, flushers, sprinklers, street sweepers, graders, rollers, loaders, plows, conveyors and other machinery, equipment and materials for the cleaning, flushing, and sweeping of any street, highway, avenue, alley, or public place within the Turtle Mountain jurisdiction, the removal of snow and ice therefrom, and other like Tribal purposes.

(i) For the purchase of trucks, garbage collectors, and other vehicles, equipment and materials for the collection, removal, and disposal of garbage, rubbish, ashes, refuse, and other wastes within the Reservation.