Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

35.04.020 Regulation of Motorized Vehicles

(a) Operation by Non-members of All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) is prohibited.

(b) No person shall operate any motorized vehicle within the Reservation unless such vehicle is currently licensed by a state or Indian tribe for unrestricted highway use. This provision shall apply to Tribal Government or Department vehicles used for Tribal purposes, or to vehicles operated by Members.

(c) No person shall operate any motorized vehicle for purposes governed by this document except on designated roads. This provision shall not apply to:

(1) Tribal or federal employees acting within the scope of their employment;

(2) Persons with special permits who are acting within the conditions of the permit;

(3) Necessary travel by employees and agents of public utilities, or suppliers of water or power acting as agents of the federal government. Other persons who are regularly engaged in forestry, prospecting or mineral exploration shall, upon application, be issued vehicular access permits by the Department;

(4) A hunter with a hunting permit who enters an area solely to pick up a big game animal which he or she has legally killed;

(5) Emergency situations, such as fire or other disasters, or when otherwise necessary to protect life or property.

(d) If the Department determines that the operation of motorized vehicles in a certain area may be harmful to wildlife, the Department may order the area closed to motorized vehicles for a period of time as approved by the Tribal Council. The Department shall post notices on the main roads entering such Closed Areas and at other locations as the Department deems appropriate.

(e) The Department may designate particular areas of land to be available for off-road use by motorized vehicles, with the approval of the Tribal Council.

(f) Violation of this section shall be a Class Two Civil Offense.