Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

35.05.090 Trapping

(a) Any person who traps or intends to trap shall first purchase a Trapping Permit, if available for that year, and shall comply with this Code and the regulations issued by the Department.

(b) Violation of this section shall be a Class Three Civil Offense. In addition, the violator shall be liable for Liquidated Damages.

(1) Trapping Methods. It is unlawful to:

(2) Keep live fur bearing animals alive after they have been taken. Such animals taken during the open season for such species shall be killed immediately and made part of the daily bag.

(3) Place a trap, bait or scent for fur bearing animals during the closed season.

(4) Set any trap unless such trap has a metal tag attached, stamped with the name and address of the owner.

(5) Molest or appropriate the traps or trapped animals of someone else.

(6) Operate more than seventy-five (75) traps for fur bearing animals.

(7) Disturb or molest any mink den, muskrat house, and muskrat feeding house, beaver house or beaver dam.

(8) Place on the ice, any artificial house or den for the purpose of catching any fur bearing animals.

(9) Use or possess bait-containing poison of any description a field.

(10) Trap with bait exposed to view.

(11) Except when the muskrat and mink season is open, place or operate any water set smaller than 5 1/2" jaw spread for steel jaw traps and 8" x 8" of killer traps of the conibear type during the beaver season.

(12) Set place or operate any steel-jawed trap with a spread width of more than 8 inches.

(13) Operate trap sets, which permit the trapped animal to reach water, except during the muskrat, beaver and mink trapping seasons.

(14) Set any trap on any perch more than three (3) feet above the ground.

(15) Set, place, or operate, except as a water set, any killer trap of the conibear type that is larger than 7" x 7" or any steel-jawed trap with teeth.

(16) Set any trap closer than fifty (50) feet of any beaver house or dam. However, during the open season for beaver, traps may be set within 15 feet of a beaver house or dam.

(17) Fail to check all dry land sets and remove animals therein at least once each day.

(c) Animals Protected at All Times.

(1) Timber wolf

(2) Canada lynx

(3) Mountain Lion

(4) Any other species that is listed endangered or threatened species or a candidate species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife.

(d) Any person who violates this section shall forfeit not more than $5,000.00 ($50.00 deposit permitted).