Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

35.05.180 Prohibited Activities; Fishing

(a) Except as otherwise permitted by this Code, in addition to all other activities prohibited by this Code, the following acts are unlawful:

(1) Taking any amphibians, crustaceans, mollusks, reptiles or other aquatic wildlife in any manner or place not permitted by Tribal regulations;

(2) Cleaning fish in streams, springs or lakes;

(3) No person shall permit the edible portion of any game fish to go to waste after taking possession of the same.

(4) Cutting a hole larger than ten inches in diameter for ice fishing;

(5) No person shall destroy, tear down, deface or erase any printed matter or signs placed or posted by or under the instructions of Turtle Mountain Tribe Game and Fish Department.

(6) No person shall counsel, encourage, solicit, request, aid, procure or abet another to commit any act prohibited under this act.

(b) Violation of this section shall be a Class One Civil Offense.