Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

35.06.260 Seizure of Prohibited Devices

(a) Any device defined at Section 35.05.160 may be seized by the officer if:

(b) Seizure of the suspected violator's property is directly necessary to prevent irreparable injury to Tribal property or resources; and

(c) Prompt action is needed because it is likely the person may flee with, or conceal the offending property, or continue the prohibited use.

(d) Any officer seizing property under this section shall issue to the person from whom it is seized a receipt for the property describing it in detail. The officer shall then deliver the property to the Director for safe keeping pending the outcome of all hearings on the seizure and the underlying violations, which shall be adjudicated pursuant to this Code.

(e) In addition to filing any other complaints for the illegal use or possession of the seized property, the counsel for the Tribe may apply to the Court for an injunction prohibiting the continued use or possession of the property.