Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

38.01.060 Starting, Turning and Stopping Without Regard to Safety

(a) No person shall start a vehicle which is stopped, standing or parked unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable safety.

(b) No person shall turn a vehicle at an intersection unless the vehicle is in such position on the highway that such movement can be made with reasonable safety, and a signal of intention to turn right or left, when required, has been given continuously during not less than the last one hundred (100) feet traveled by the vehicle before turning.

(c) No person shall stop or suddenly decrease the speed of a vehicle without first giving an appropriate signal to the driver of any vehicle immediately to the rear when there is opportunity to give such signal.

(d) The signals herein required shall be given either by means of the standard hand and arm signals device.

(e) Every person driving a vehicle approaching an intersection with a stop sign, or a flashing red light, shall stop on the near side of the intersection, or railroad grade crossing at the point where he has a view of approaching traffic and shall not proceed until the intersection in clear.

(f) No person shall drive a vehicle through, over or within a safety zone. Any person who violates a provision within this section shall be penalized to a fine not to exceed fifty dollars ($50).