Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

38.01.300 Tail Lamps

(a) Every motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, pole-trailer, and any other vehicle which is being drawn at the end of a train or vehicle, shall be equipped with at least one (1) tail lamp mounted on the rear, which, when lighted as hereinbefore required, shall emit a red light plainly visible from a distance of one thousand (1,000) feet to the rear provided that in the case of a train of vehicles only the tail lamp on the rear most vehicle need actually be seen from the distance required. Every such above mentioned vehicle manufactured or assembled after January 1, 1964, shall be equipped with at least two (2) tail lamps mounted on the rear, on the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practicable, which when lighted as herein required shall comply with the provisions of this section.

(b) Every tail lamp upon every vehicle shall be located at a height of not more than seventy-two (72) inches and not less than twenty (20) inches.

(1) Either a tail lamp or a separate lamp shall be so constructed and placed as to illuminate with a white light the rear registration plate and render it clearly legible from a distance of fifty (50) feet to the rear. Any tail lamp or tail lamps together with any separate lamp for illuminating the rear registration plate shall be so wired as to be lighted whenever the headlamps or auxiliary driving lamps are lighted. Any driver who violates this section will be penalized twenty-five dollars ($25).