Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

38.02.030 Uniform Traffic Complaint and Summons

There is hereby established a uniform complaint and summon which may be used in cases involving violations of statutes or ordinances relating to the

operation of use of motor vehicles.

Whenever the complaint and summons established by this section is used, the provisions of Title 1Section 1.07.050 relating to arrests without warrants shall not apply, and the judges or prosecuting attorneys shall not be required to make another complaint of the offense charged in the uniform complaint and summons. The uniform complaint and summons established herein shall be in substantially the following form:

Turtle Mountain Jurisdiction ) In the Turtle Mountain

) Tribal Court City of Belcourt, North Dakota ) Before Honorable


The undersigned, being duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says that, on the day of ,

(Name) (Address)

did unlawfully operate a motor vehicle upon a public highway, namely

, , N E S W of and did then

and there commit the following offense: MPH in MPH zone. TRAFFIC OFFENSE AND PENALTIES

All in violation of Sec. of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians.

Officer Let a Warrant Issue Herein Sworn to and

subscribed to me this day of , 20 .


Description of Defendant and Vehicle

Month Day Year (Birthdate)

Race Sex Weight Height Hair Drivers License: State No. Motor Vehicle: Make Reg. No. State Year PSC No. ICC No.

Claimed Conditions of the Violation

Slippery Surface –- Rain Snow Ice Darkness -- Night Fog Snow Other Traffic Present: Cross Oncoming Pedestrian Same Direction In Accident Ped. Same Direction Intersection Right Angle Head on Rear End Ran Off Road Other Area –- School Rural Business Industrial Residential Highway Type: 2 Lane 4 Lane Divided Gravel Dirt

The Turtle Mountain Jurisdiction to the above named defendant you are hereby summoned to appear at the time and place designated below to answer to the charge above indicated to be made against you


Appearance Before: Turtle Mountain Tribal Court

(Location) (Month) (Day) (Year) (Time) A.M. P.M.

Dated this day of 20 . Officer .

Promise to Appear

I hereby consent and promise to appear at the time and place specified in the above summons, the receipt of a copy of which is hereby acknowledged, and I expressly waive earlier hearing, Dated this day of 20 .

Defendant .