Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

38.02.180 Administrative Hearing on Request

(a) Before issuing an order of suspension, revocation, or denial under Section 38.02.160 or 38.0217, the commissioner shall afford that person an opportunity for a hearing if the person mails a request for the hearing to the director within ten days after the date of issuance of the temporary operator's permit. The hearing must be held within twenty-five (25) days after the date of issuance of the temporary operator's permit, but the hearing officer may extend the hearing to within thirty-five days after the issuance of the temporary operator's permit if good cause is shown. If the hearing date is extended beyond twenty-five (25) days from the issuance of the temporary operator's permit, the commissioner shall provide extended temporary operator's privileges to the date of the hearing. If no hearing is requested within the time limits in this section, and no affidavit is submitted within the time limits under subsection (b) of Section 38.02.160 the expiration of the temporary operator's permit serves as the director's official notification to the person of the revocation, suspension, or denial of driving privileges in this state.

(b) If the issue to be determined by the hearing concerns license suspension for operating a motor vehicle while having a blood alcohol concentration of at least ten one-hundredths of one percent by weight, the hearing must be before a hearing officer assigned by the director and at a time and place designated by the director. The hearing must be recorded and its scope may cover only the issues of whether the arresting officer had reasonable grounds to believe the person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a vehicle in violation of Section 38.02.080 or equivalent ordinance; whether the person was placed under arrest; whether the person was tested in accordance with Section 38.02.100 or 38.0213 and, if applicable, Section 38.02.120; and whether the test results show the person had a blood alcohol concentration of at least ten one-hundredths of one percent by weight. For purposes of this section, a copy of a certified copy of an analytical report of a blood, urine, or saliva sample from the office of the state toxicologist, or a certified copy of the checklist and test records from a certified breath test operator establish prima facie the blood alcohol concentration shown therein. Whether the person was informed that the privilege to drive might be suspended based on the results of the test is not an issue.

(c) If the issue to be determined by the hearing concerns license revocation for refusing to submit to a test under Section 38.02.100 or 38.0226, the hearing must be before a hearing officer assigned by the director at a time and place designated by the director, the hearing must be recorded. The scope of a hearing for refusing to submit to a test under Section 38.02.100 may cover only the issues of whether a law enforcement officer had reasonable grounds to believe the person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a vehicle in violation of Section 38.02.080 or equivalent ordinance; whether the person was placed under arrest; and. whether that person refused to submit to a test or tests. The scope of a hearing for refusing to submit to a test under Section 38.02.260 may cover only the issues of whether the law enforcement officer had reason to believe the person committed a moving traffic violation or was involved in a traffic accident as a driver, whether in conjunction with the violation or the accident the officer has, through the officer's observations, formulated an opinion that the person's body contains alcohol and, whether a person refused to submit to the onsite screening test. Whether the person was informed that the privilege to drive would be revoked or denied for refusal to submit to the test or tests is not an issue.

(d) At a hearing under this section, the regularly kept records of the commissioner may be introduced. Those records establish prima facie their contents without further foundation. For purpose of this chapter, any copy of a certified copy of an analytical report of a blood, urine, of saliva sample received by the director from the office of the state toxicologist or a law enforcement officer, a certified copy of the checklist and test records received by the director from a certified breath test operator, and any copy of a certified copy of a certificate of the office of the state toxicologist relating to approved methods, devices, operators, materials, and checklists used for testing for blood alcohol concentration received by the director from the office of the state toxicologist or the court, are regularly kept records of the director.

(e) At the close of the hearing, the hearing officer shall notify the person of the hearing officer's findings of fact, conclusions of law, and decision based on the findings and conclusions and shall immediately deliver to the person a copy of the decision. If the hearing officer does not find in favor of the person, the copy of the decision serves as the director's official notification to the person of the revocation, suspension, or denial of driving privileges in this state. If the hearing officer finds, based on a preponderance of the evidence, that the person had a blood alcohol concentration of at least ten one-hundredths of one percent by weight, the hearing officer shall immediately take possession of the person's temporary operator's permit issued under this chapter. If the hearing officer does not find against the person, the hearing officer shall sign, date, and mark on the person's permit an extension of driving privileges for the next twenty (20) days and shall return the permit to the person. The hearing officer shall report the findings, conclusions, and decisions to the director within ten (10) days of the conclusion of the hearing. If the hearing officer has determined in favor of the person, the director shall return the person's operator's license by regular mail to the address on fill with the director.

(f) If the person who requested a hearing under this section fails to appear at the hearing without justification, the right to the hearing is waived, and the hearing officer's determination on license revocation, suspension, or denial will be based on the written request for hearing, law enforcement officer's report, and other evidence as may be available. The hearing officer shall, on the date for which the hearing is scheduled, mail to the person, by regular mail, at the address on file with the director, or at any other address for the person or the person's legal representative supplied in the request for hearing, a copy of the decision which serves as the director's official notification to the person of the revocation, suspension, or denial of driving privileges in this state. Even if the person for whom the hearing is scheduled fails to appear at the hearing, the hearing is deemed to have been held on the date for which it is scheduled for purposes of appeal under Section 38.02.190.