Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.05.070 Coordination and Cooperation with Other Agencies

(a) The Solid Waste Director, the SWMT and the Compliance Director, jointly or individually, may:

(1) Coordinate solid waste handling, treatment, transfer or disposal with federal, state and local agencies and with persons in the solid waste industry; and

(2) Render or receive technical assistance to or from Tribal, state, and local agencies and officials thereof and others involved in the planning and operation of solid or hazardous waste program and facilities.

(b) The Compliance Officer may:

(1) Assist or receive assistance from other Tribal, state, and federal agencies in the development, and maintenance of their inspection, enforcement, training, and regulatory programs;

(2) May organize, operate, and conduct any solid waste enforcement activity the SWMT or Solid Waste Director deems advisable upon the request of the governing body of the federal agency or Tribal Council, upon the appropriation for such purposes by the federal agency or Tribe of a sum adequate to compensate the Tribal EPA or the Compliance Officer for the full cost of that activity; and

(3) May request, as necessary, any Tribal, state or federal agency having jurisdiction to investigate and report on any questions or matters involved in solid or hazardous waste handling, treatment, transfer, disposal or release affecting the Reservation environment or its residents.