Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.13.070 Additional Conditions for Solid Waste Collection And/Or Transportation Permit

As a condition for the issuance of a solid waste collection and/or transportation permit, the Solid Waste Director shall:

(a) Require every vehicle operated by the transporter to be conspicuously marked or placarded to identify the solid waste transported and its principal hazard. Any such vehicle shall be marked in a like manner with the full name or legally registered trade names or names of the transporter and the number of the Tribal solid waste collection and/or transportation permit(s) issued pursuant to this section;

(b) Require the collector or transporter to make an annual (or as otherwise conditioned in the permit) report to the Solid Waste Director, indicating the number and type of containers collected, the volume (and weight if available) and nature of solid waste collected and/or transported of, the place and manner in which such solid waste was finally disposed, the number and nature of any releases or spillage and responses taken, and such other information as the permit may require. A copy of the report shall be provided to the Compliance Officer.