Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.16.140 Discovery

Prior to the hearing, any party, upon written request made to any other party prior to the hearing is entitled to:

(a) Obtain the names and addresses of witnesses to the extent known to the other party, including but not limited to, those intended to be called to testify at the hearing;

(b) Inspect and make a copy of any relevant documents in the possession or custody or under the control of the other party, including but not limited to statements made by any person pertaining to the subject matter of the proceeding, all writings pertaining to the subject matter of the proceeding, and investigative reports pertaining to the subject matter of the proceeding. Nothing in this section shall authorize the inspection or copying of any writing or thing that is privileged from disclosure by law or otherwise made confidential or protected as attorney work product or otherwise;

(c) Before the hearing has commenced, the hearing panel shall request the participation, at the request of any party, for attendance of witness or production of documents at the hearing.