Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.18.150 Public Notification

The residents of the Turtle Mountain Reservation shall be notified of remedial actions planned and conducted under this section.

(a) The TM-TRP shall notify the affected public of all confirmed releases requiring a response plan for soil, water and/or groundwater remediation, and upon request, provide or make available to the interested public information concerning the nature of the release and any corrective actions planned or taken

(b) Following any voluntary remediation application and determination by the Tribal EPA Director that a site is an eligible site, or following the submission of any application to modify an existing voluntary Remediation Agreement, the applicant shall:

(1) Give written notice to all known property owners of record and/or responsible tribal or government agency(s)of land, which is contiguous to the site, of the proposed action;

(2) The notice shall be of a form and content prescribed by the TM-TRP, provide a description of the site and summarize the proposed Remediation Agreement; and

(3) Shall publish such notice in a newspaper of general circulation in community in which the site is located. Such notice shall:

(A) identify the site or property;

(B) provide a summary of the criterion which makes the site eligible for participation in the TM-TRP voluntary remediation program under this section; and

(C) provide contact information for the public to comment on the proposed action.

(c) The public shall be provided a minimum of 14-day notice and an opportunity to comment on a draft Response Action Plan and related activities.

(d) The public shall be provided a minimum of 14-day notice for any public meetings on a planned Response Action.