Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

43.04.030 Enforcement

(a) The Commission can take any one or a combination of the following actions with respect to any Regulated Entity who violates any provision of this Code:

(1) order any Licensee to discontinue its relationship with any Regulated Entity who violates any provision of this Code;

(2) revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew the License of an applicant, subject to the limitations of Code Section 5.7; or

(3) impose one or more of the following sanctions:

(A) enjoin activities of a Regulated Entity;

(B) collect any unpaid fees, interest, penalties, or any civil fines unpaid after 30 calendar days; or

(C) garnishment or execution of any nonexempt property of a violator located within the exterior boundaries of Trust Land; or

(D) restitution, contract rescission, disgorgement, compensatory damages, money penalties, or other relief as justice may require.

(4) Any party to any proceeding under this section may obtain a review of any order served pursuant to this section (other than an order issued with the consent of the person concerned) by the filing of a written petition for binding arbitration praying that the Commission's order be modified, terminated, remanded for further consideration, or set aside. The judgment and decree of the arbitrator shall be final.

(5) The Commission is empowered to seek comity and enforcement of the orders of the Commission or arbitrator by the court of any other jurisdiction whose assistance may be required to give effect to the orders of the Commission or arbitrator; such action does not waive sovereign immunity or submit the Tribe or Commission to the court's authority or jurisdiction.

(6) All matters and occurrences, contrary to this Code, rules or regulations promulgated by the Commission which are not covered under a criminal code shall be deemed to be a civil violation.