Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

48.01.140 Hearings

(a) The Commission has the authority to hold hearings on ratepayer or consumer Grievances or Appeals.

(b) The Commission shall provide at least ten (10) day notice of the time and place of the hearing and the matter to be heard to the grievant or appellant and to the Division or public utility providing Direct Service or Contract Service at issue.

(c) All interested parties shall have an opportunity to be heard.

(d) The Commission may issue subpoenas at the request of the Parties.

(e) The Commission shall issue its final ruling, in writing, to the parties within thirty (30) days of the hearing date.

(f) The Commission shall issue a decision on the Appeal with at least the following three separate sections, stating separately and clearly:

(1) findings of facts;

(2) conclusion of law based on such facts; and

(3) an Order.

(g) Such Commission Order shall be deemed final for purposes of Judicial Review.