Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

5.01.060 The Rights and Responsibilities of the Social Service Agency

(a) The right to open and honest communication with the foster parents, child, natural parents, and Courts regarding the welfare of the child.

(b) The right and responsibility of establishing planning for the child with

natural parents, foster parents and Court.

(c) The responsibility of assisting the natural parent and the foster parents in meeting the psychological, emotional, physical, educational and medical needs of the child.

(d) The responsibility of assisting the natural parents in seeking and obtaining appropriate assistance in improving the natural family's functioning in order to promote the return of the child.

(e) The right to sign for emergency medical treatment when the Court or natural parents are unavailable.

(f) The responsibility of insuring confidentiality of the child, natural parents and foster parents.

(g) The right to accept and execute the order(s) of the Court as related to children.

(h) The responsibility of social service to right and further their education to the needs of children and caretakers related to the welfare of children.