Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

5.08.060 Permanent Planning Preference

In order of preference, shall include the following:

(a) Primary goal of reunification of family.

(1) If reunification is not possible, then termination of parental rights and placement of the child(ren) in a pre-adoptive or adoptive home. A termination of parental rights order must be supported by evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and testimony of a qualified expert witness that the continued custody by the parent or custodian is likely to result in serious emotional or physical harm to the child. The order of preference for a pre-adoptive home shall be the same as for foster care placement preference. The preference for adoptive placements in absence of good cause to the contrary shall be: A member of the child's extended family.

(2) Other members of the child's Tribe.

(3) Other Indian families.

(b) Legal guardianship. In the absence of good cause to the contrary, shall

have the same order of preference as for adoptive placement.

(c) Long-term foster care can be a voluntary agreement between the biological parent(s), court, foster parents, child, and social services stating that the child shall remain in a specific home until the child reaches his/her 18th year or longer if the parties so desire. The court may also order long-term foster care with the agreement of social services, the foster parents, and the child.

(d) Emancipation of the child based upon conditions outlined in the definition of emancipation.