Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

51.06.020 Licensee Reporting

(a) All Hemp Production Licensees shall report hemp crop acreage with the USDA Farm Service Agency and shall provide, at a minimum, the following information:

(1) Street address and, to the extent practicable, geospatial location for each cultivation site or greenhouse where hemp will be produced. If a producer operates in more than one location, that information shall be provided for all production sites;

(2) Acreage dedicated to the production of hemp, or greenhouse or indoor square footage dedicated to the production of hemp; and

(3) License number.

(b) All Licensees shall maintain records of all hemp plants acquired, produced, handled, or disposed of as will substantiate any required reports. All records and reports shall be maintained for at least three years.

(c) All Hemp Production Licensees shall also report to the Tribe the total acreage of hemp planted, harvested, and, if applicable, disposed of. The Tribe shall collect this information and report it to the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service.

(d) A Licensee may submit a Crop Acreage Report (FSA-578 form) to the USDA.