Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

51.06.030 Commission Recordkeeping and Reporting

(a) The Commission shall retain all information required under this title for a Hemp Production License for a period of at least (3) calendar years.

(b) The Commission shall submit to USDA, by the first of each month, a report providing the contact information and the status of the license or other authorization issued for each producer covered under this title. If the first of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, the report is due by the first business day following the due date. The report shall clearly state the reporting period and be submitted using a digital format compatible with USDA's information sharing systems, whenever possible.

(c) For a newly licensed Hemp Production Licensee, the report must contain the following information:

(1) Licensee's license number;

(2) Licensee's contact information including name, address, telephone number and email address and, if the Licensee is a business entity, the full name and contact information of all the entity's authorized representatives;

(3) If the Licensee is a business entity the:

(A) Full name of the business;

(B) Address of the principal business location;

(C) Full name and of all key participants in the business; and

(D) EIN number of the business entity.

(4) A legal description of the land on which the Licensee will produce hemp within the Tribe's jurisdiction, including, to the extent practicable, its geospatial location;

(d) For a Hemp Production Licensee whose information has been previously reported to the USDA, the report must contain the following information:

(1) Licensee's license number;

(2) For each Licensee that was included in a previous report and whose reported information has changed, the report shall include the previously reported information and the new information;

(3) For each Licensee that was included in a previous report and whose reported information has not changed, the report shall include a statement that there was no change during the current reporting cycle; and

(4) The status of the Licensee's license and, if applicable, reason for change in status.

(e) The Commission must report information for all non-compliant hemp materials disposed of pursuant to Section 51.08.060 to the USDA by the first of the month, or if the first of the month falls on a weekend or a holiday, by the first business day following the first of the month. The following information must be included in the report for all Licensee's subject to disposal:

(1) Name and address of the Licensee;

(2) Licensee's license number;

(3) A legal description and, to the extent practicable, the geospatial location for the disposed of area;

(4) Name and position of the agent handing the disposal;

(5) Disposal completion date; and

(6) Total acreage for the disposed of area.

(f) The Commission shall submit a Tribal Annual Hemp Report to the USDA by December 15th of each year with the following information:

(1) Total planted acreage;

(2) Total harvested acreage; and

(3) Total acreage disposed of.