Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

59.05.010 Review of Research Proposals

(a) All research proposals must be complete before the RRB is required to consider the proposal. The scope of the research will determine the length of the review process. A proposal is complete when it contains the fee and all of the information that is necessary for the RRB to decide whether or not the proposal should be considered (contact the RRB office for proposal requirements).

(b) Any research summaries and support documents requested by the RRB pursuant to the proposal process should be sent to: TNRG-PO BOX 1906, Belcourt, ND 58316.

(c) The RRB shall review the application materials that are submitted and either:

(1) Return the proposal to the researcher with requests for additional information or with suggestions for clarification or change; or

(2) Make final determination;

(3) Consult with other Tribal members, Tribal elders, professionals, technical experts, or specialists for a second evaluation before RRB final determination.

(d) The review process and approval of the research is complete when the researcher receives a letter of notification from the RRB and enters into a binding Research Agreement that contains the obligations and responsibilities of the parties. Upon approval, principal investigators, co-principal investigators, researchers, graduate students (graduate committees will not be required to undergo cultural sensitivity training) and any others involved in the research shall undergo cultural sensitivity training at the researcher's expense before any project begins within the Reservation. The RRB expects periodic progress reports and will use these reports to update the Tribal Council on the status of the project.

(e) Following approval of the research, the researcher shall secure all permits and licenses that may be required by Tribal law, including but not limited to a permit as provided under Section 59.05.030.

(f) Administrative Fee: An administrative fee may be assessed. This fee will be used to cover the administrative costs associated with the review of the proposal and permitting.

(g) All publications, manuscripts and reports resulting from research must receive prior approval from the RRB.