Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

59.05.030 Permits

(a) The RRB shall develop standard application forms for Research Permit applicants and set forth the type of information that must be submitted.

(b) The RRB shall develop a standard permit form, which at a minimum shall include the name(s) of the researcher(s) covered, name and/or brief description of the study approved, location(s) of research to be conducted, and effective start and ending dates of the permit.

(c) Upon execution of a Research Agreement, all persons conducting research on the Reservation shall obtain from the Research Department in accordance with the terms of this section.

(d) An application form for a Research Permit may be obtained from the RRB administrator.

(e) All persons covered by a Research Permit shall have such Permit in their possession at all times while conducting research. The Research Permit must be produced for inspection or surrendered upon demand by authorized Tribal officials.

(f) A Research Permit issued under this section may be suspended or revoked at any time by the RRB or Tribe. If a permit holder is engaged in activities not allowed by the permit, fails to abide by a permit term or condition, has committed fraud or misrepresentation or provided incorrect statements in the application or permitting process, or is engaged in or has engaged in activities prohibited by this Act or any other Tribal law or resolution.

(g) The revocation or suspension of a permit issued pursuant to this section may be appealed to the RRB and a decision by the Tribe is final for purposes of judicial review exclusively in the Tribe's Courts.